Kuban hotels see tripled demand for bookings

Kuban hotels see tripled demand for bookings

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The Krasnodar Territory has seen an increased demand for recreation in the region. The number of hotel reservations in Kuban increased by 308% compared to the previous year.

Russian tourists began to massively reserve hotels in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea. Demand for holidays in Kuban has increased significantly compared to 2023.

According to one of the services for reserving hotel rooms, the demand for holidays in Kuban hotels has increased by 308%.

This year, the leader in bookings is Crimea: the demand for hotels increased by 488%.

It is noted that most often travelers reserve rooms 5 months before the intended vacation, and the duration of the vacation is about a week.

The demand for room reservations increased in the Rostov region by 287%. Here, rooms are also reserved 5 months in advance, and the length of stay is about two days.
