Kurdistan Workers’ party to formally dissolve itself

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

The Turkish government has outlined a structured process following the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK, banned in Turkey) ringleader Abdullah Ocalan’s call for the organization to dissolve, according to Türkiye Gazetesi.

Earlier, Ocalan urged the PKK to lay down arms.

Turkey's security sources have detailed a six-step process for the coming months:

  • PKK is expected to convene a congress to formally dissolve itself;
  • The state will observe this process without making any commitments until the dissolution is confirmed;
  • The transition phase is expected to last three to four months, with a potential shift to the next stage by June;
  • Imrali visits will continue as part of this period.

Following the official dissolution, technical aspects will be addressed, including:

  • The fate of PKK-held weapons;
  • Registration of surrendered arms;
  • The potential relocation of senior PKK ringleaders to third countries;
  • The legal status of members without criminal records or involvement in violent acts.

Once the process is complete, discussions on broader political reforms under the framework of “democratic transformation” could be initiated in parliament, according to sources within the ruling AK Party.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza