Kvirikashvili visits Georgian village after 200 people poisoned at wedding

Kvirikashvili visits Georgian village after 200 people poisoned at wedding

Georgia’s Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili paid a late night visit to a south-eastern Georgian village where about 200 people suffered food poisoning at a wedding.

Kvirikashvili asked about the health of hundreds of ill guests, including 28 children who had been taken to hospital after the wedding in the Marneuli district.
Doctors said although some people were quite ill, no one’s lives were at risk, no one would suffer any long-term effects and the illness would pass in a few days’ time.
Kvirikashvili said an investigation into the case had been launched, and samples of the food and drinks served at the wedding had been taken to be examined.
Georgia’s National Food Agency is actively engaged in the investigation, Agenda.ge reports.