Lavrov to Steinmeier: Al-Nusra Front blocking aid to Aleppo unacceptable

Lavrov to Steinmeier: Al-Nusra Front blocking aid to Aleppo unacceptable

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out to his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier the inadmissibility of actions of al-Nusra Front terrorist group, as well as the groups that have joined it, of blocking humanitarian deliveries to eastern Aleppo, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday, Sputnik reports.

The ministers discussed the Syrian settlement in a phone conversation.

"The Russian side pointed out the inadmissibility of actions of al-Nusra Front terrorists and the groups that have merged with them of blocking humanitarian deliveries to eastern Aleppo and obstructing medical evacuations from there," the statement read.

According to the statement, Lavrov and Steinmeier agreed to maintain regular expert dialogue between the Russian and the German foreign ministries on all aspects of the Syrian settlement.
