Moscow and Baku sign "road map" for parliamentary cooperation

website of the Russian Federation Council

The Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Parliaments of Azerbaijan and Russia signed a "road map" for 2024–2026 in Moscow.

The conclusion of the document took place within the framework of a meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation of the Russian Federal Assembly and the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan.

During the event, First Deputy Head of the Russian Federation Council Andrey Yatskin said that relations between Moscow and Baku were developing on the basis of good neighborliness, mutual respect and consideration of interests.

He pointed out that the leaders of both chambers of the Russian Parliament — Vyacheslav Volodin and Valentina Matvienko — regularly see the Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova.

In turn, First Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijani Parliament Ali Huseynli emphasized that the peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan were linked by centuries-old traditions of friendship and good neighborliness.

"It is gratifying that today we are developing our interstate relations on this solid historical basis",

Ali Huseynli said.

© Photo :website of the Russian Federation Council