Mudflow cuts off 6 Dagestani villages

Mudflow cuts off 6 Dagestani villages

© Photo: Dagestanavtodor

A mudflow left 6 settlements in Dagestan without communication with the outside world, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports. Yesterday, the mudflow caused the collapse of a bridge in the Shamilsky district.

The mudflow blocked transport links with 6 villages in the Akhtynsky district, the Dagestan Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

The ministry clarified that the natural disaster occurred in the area between the villages of Akhty and Kurukal. As a result, driving along the highway is blocked.

“6 settlements remain left without access to the roads,”

– the Ministry of Emergency Situations informed.

Experts rushed to the scene of the emergency. Special equipment will be used for clearing of the roads.