Multiple protests over currency drop continue in Iran

Multiple protests over currency drop continue in Iran

Protests broke out in several Iranian cities today over the dramatic drop of the country's currency and other economic problems ahead of the imposition of renewed US sanctions, IRNA reported.

Protests that began in Iran on Tuesday afternoon continued across the country in Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, Karaj, Sari, Bandar Abbas, and Ahvaz. Today protesters in Shiraz were attacked with tear gas by security forces during strikes, Express reported.

Dozens of store owners in the area have closed their shops and are on strike after the rial’s value dropped by 120% in the last 6 months alone.

Iran has also been hit by falling salaries set against the rising cost of living, while water shortages and power outages have also hit the embattled country.

Yesterday, Iranian lawmakers have given President Hassan Rouhani one month to appear before parliament to answer questions on his government’s handling of Iran’s economic struggles.
