Nebenzya: anti-Russian rhetoric in Ukraine toughens under Zelensky

Nebenzya: anti-Russian rhetoric in Ukraine toughens under Zelensky

Anti-Russian rhetoric in Ukraine has only grown louder after the change of power in that country a year ago, when Vladimir Zelensky was elected president, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said.

"Rhetoric has visibly toughened," he said in an interview with the Vecher (Evening) with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Rossiya-1 television channel. "So, it would be have to say that anything has changed in Ukraine’s foreign policy after the change of power in Kiev."

"Moreover, we wrote in one of our press statement not long ago in response to Ukraine’s chest-thumping allegations that it had once again barred Russia from doing something that he had a feeling that the only priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy was opposing Russia in all possible formats," TASS cited the Russian diplomat as saying.

May 20 marked a year since Vladimir Zelensky’s inauguration. In 2019, he swept a convincing victory in the runoff presidential election, with 73% of votes.
