OSCE PA urges Karabakh conflict parties to return to negotiations

OSCE PA urges Karabakh conflict parties to return to negotiations

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) urged the Nagorno Karabakh conflict parties to return to the negotiation table. The assembly will meet on July 5-9 in Minsk for its 26th Annual Session, says a message posted on the OSCE PA website.

With some 300 parliamentarians from North America, Europe and Asia expected to participate, the theme of this year’s Annual Session is 'Enhancing mutual trust and co-operation for peace and prosperity in the OSCE region,' the message says.

According to the report, the OSCE PA regrets the lack of progress towards the settlement of the conflict.

"A return to the negotiation table by all parties is needed to avoid further military confrontation and de-escalate the situation. Participating States should refrain from using unilateral decision-making and violence that would hinder diplomatic negotiations and dialogue initiatives," the report says.