Od Chershenbesi 2024: Azerbaijan celebrates Fire Tuesday

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Today, on March 5, Azerbaijan is celebrating Od Chershenbesi or Fire Tuesday, one of the four festive Tuesdays before Novruz Holiday.

The four Tuesdays in the run up to Novruz symbolize the four elements called Su Chershenbesi (Water Tuesday), Od Chershenbesi (Fire Tuesday), Yel Chershenbesi (Wind Tuesday) on March 12 and Torpag Chershenbesi (Earth Tuesday) on March 19.

Each Tuesday has its own traditions. Folk belief has it that water purifies and stirs, fire, earth and wind awaken the nature, and trees begin to blossom, symbolizing spring’s arrival.

Od Chershenbesi traditions

Fire Tuesday honors fire. Fire means warmth and comfort. Ancient legends associate fire with the Sun and light. Fire is the symbol of purification and clarification. The fire is never put out by water; it burns down by itself.

Fire is somewhat sacred in Azerbaijan, the Land of Fire. There is a Zoroastrian pilgrimage in suburbs of Baku. Azerbaijan historically had reserves of oil and gas that caused flames of fire on the ground and this was interpreted as blessing.

On all four Tuesdays and on the eve of Novruz, and especially on Fire Tuesday, it's traditional to light bonfires, dance around them, and jump over them to cleanse their souls and ward off evil spirits.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza