Olympics in Beijing: lost "gold" in biathlon and other results of Day 12

Olympics in Beijing: lost "gold" in biathlon and other results of Day 12

A total of nine sets of medals were at the stake on February 15 at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China’s Beijing.

The Russian Olympic Committee athletes finished on Tuesday in 9th place of the overall medal standings after Day 12 of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, after winning one silver medal and one bronze. Biathletes Karim Khalili, Alexander Loginov, Maxim Tsvetkov and Eduard Latypov won "bronze" in a bitter struggle in the relay. The Norwegians were the first to finish the race (1 hour 19 minutes 50.2 seconds; 7 additional rounds,1 penalty loop). The French were in second place (+27.4 sec; 9 extra rounds) The Russians used six extra rounds during the race, and in the last stage after shooting from a standing position, Latypov ran two penalty loops. At the end of the relay, Russia lost 45.3 seconds to Norway.

In speed skating Daniil Aldoshkin, Sergey Trofimov and Ruslan Zakharov won silver in the team pursuit. In the final race, they lost to the Norwegians, who covered the distance 2.39 seconds faster. The US team is in 3rd place.

Team ROC (the Russian Olympic Committee) is in 9th place with 4 gold, 7 silver and 9 bronze medals.
