Opposition reveals Armenia continues to send troops to Khankendi

Opposition reveals Armenia continues to send troops to Khankendi

MP from the 'Armenia' faction Gegham Manukyan said in an interview with Armenian media that despite statements about the desire to achieve peace with Azerbaijan, Yerevan continues to send military personnel to Azerbaijan's Karabakh economic region, where Russian peacekeepers are deployed.

"The number one issue for most of our citizens is security. People feel unsafe. I want to note a very sad fact. After the war, many parents hoped that their children would no longer serve on dangerous fronts, would not serve in Karabakh, but now they see that their children are in much worse conditions. The authorities lied," the MP said.

Gegham Manukyan emphasized that the promise of the authorities not to send conscripts to combat positions is a lie. "In reality, parents see that their sons were actually sent to the front line," the politician drew attention, adding that the likelihood of new hostilities against Azerbaijan is extremely high now.
