Over 50 healthcare facilities to be repaired and built in Stavropol region

Over 50 healthcare facilities to be repaired and built in Stavropol region

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The leadership of the Stavropol Territory plans to repair nearly 50 healthcare facilities this year. The construction of 7 new facilities is also expected.

During 2024, the Stavropol Territory intends to repair 46 medical facilities in the Stavropol Territory, the regional government informs.

This year it is also planned to build 7 new facilities.

“Significant funds are provided for the implementation of the presidential program for the modernization of primary healthcare - 1.9 bln rubles. This allows for the construction of 7 healthcare facilities, the supply, and installation of 5 prefabricated modular facilities, the repair of 46 facilities, the purchase of 740 units of equipment and 118 units of vehicles,”

– the government press service reported.