Putin, Xi to discuss Ukraine at SCO summit

Putin, Xi to discuss Ukraine at SCO summit

Russian and Chinese Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who will meet on September 15 on the sidelines of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Samarkand, will discuss the current international problems, Putin’s aide Yury Ushakov said.

"Bearing in mind the specifics of the current international situation, this meeting, naturally, has a special importance," he said. "The leaders are planned to discuss both the bilateral agenda and key regional and international topics."

The Kremlin aide anticipated that Putin and Xi "will give a positive assessment to the unprecedented high level of the trust-based bilateral strategic partnership" between their countries. Moscow and Beijing "stand for a fair, democratic and multipolar world order based on international law and the central role of the United Nations," he said, adding that among the topics will be Ukraine and Taiwan.

Apart from that, in his words, Putin and Xi will discuss the SCO’s activities and its role in international affairs. Among the bilateral topics, Ushakov cited the development of trade and economic cooperation.
