Putin holds telephone talks with Erdogan

 Putin holds telephone talks with Erdogan

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed that Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs to be resolved on the basis in a phone call, presidential sources said.

Erdogan thanked Putin for Russia's support to the Jerusalem issue both at the United Nations Security Council and yesterday's General Assembly, where 128 countries voted against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize the holy city as the Israeli capital.

The two leaders also underlined that they were pleased of the outcome of the U.N. vote, stressing that the U.S. should stick to the U.N resolution and international law in the matter of Jerusalem, as the city was of great significance to regional peace and stability. the Daily Sabah reported.

The source added that ongoing Syrian crisis, bilateral relations and regional issues were also discussed during the phone call.

The two leaders agreed to stay in close contact regarding the cooperation of Turkey and Russia in the energy and defense sectors.
