Republican candidates for US presidency do not support deal with Tehran

Republican candidates for US presidency do not support deal with Tehran

The applicants for US president from the Republican Party are against the agreement of the P5+1 with Iran to curb Iran's nuclear program.

"Iran is not a place that we should be doing business with," the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker said, adding that "he opposed the deal with Iran from the beginning."

According to Senator Rand Paul, "it is necessary to maintain talks with Iran from a position of strength." The senator said that if he were elected president he would not lift the sanctions against Iran "until he sees completely clear evidence that Iran is meeting the conditions".

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry also said that the Congress should block the agreement on Iran's nuclear program.

The former head of Hewlett-Packard, Carly Fiorina, said she would make a phone call on her first day as president to the supreme leader of Iran, telling him that until he opens every nuclear facility and every military facility, they are going to make it as difficult as possible to move money around the global financial system," TASS reports. Carly Fiorina believes that by concluding the deal with Iran, "Obama broke every rule of negotiation."

