Residents of Dagestan ignore ban on swimming in Kaspiysk

Residents of Dagestan ignore  ban on swimming in Kaspiysk

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The authorities of Kaspiysk have banned swimming on the city’s beaches until further notice. However, local residents are ignoring the decree.

The acting mayor of Kaspiysk, Arsen Sherifov, banned vacationers and local residents from swimming on the city’s beaches. The document was signed on June 7.

The ban on swimming is due to the fact that Rospotrebnadzor issued a decision on the inconsistency of seawater samples in the coastal waters.

In addition, there are no sanitary and epidemiological assessment for swimming in the sea.

The order of the head of Kaspiysk states that the ban is being introduced until further notice.
