Russia increases production of black caviar

Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"

In the Astrakhan region, production increased to 25 tons. This region is the main producer of black caviar in the Russian Federation

The growth in production of the delicacy over two years amounted to 9%, the Minister of Agriculture and Fishing Industry, Ruslan Pashayev said.

"Commodity sturgeon production increased by 5% and amounted to 2.1 thousand tons, the production of sturgeon caviar increased by 9% and amounted to 25 tons",


the minister said.

He clarified that the growth was associated with state support. Over two years, 93 million rubles were allocated to the industry, which were used for new equipment and the purchase of expensive feed for sturgeon, TASS reports.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"