Russia may compensate losses from discount by additional gas supplies to Turkey

 Russia may compensate losses from discount by additional gas supplies to Turkey

A discount for the Russian natural gas for Turkey can be linked to the delivery of additional two billion cubic meters through the Trans-Balkan pipeline, the Russian Kommersant newspaper reports. 

Turkey's Botas energy company receives two billion cubic meters of the Russian gas annually via the Trans-Balkan pipeline, while Turkish private importers receive 10 billion cubic meters.

Another 16 billion cubic meters of the Russian gas are being transported to Botas via the Blue Stream pipeline. In 2015, deliveries totaled 27 billion cubic meters, so the contract amount was covered almost completely, the Kommersant wrote.

Such volumes may partially compensate Gazprom's losses from the discount, the publication reads. Turkey needs to receive additional volumes of natural gas, as the energy demand rises in the country, while Azerbaijan and Iran are unable to increase their gas deliveries to Turkey, Sputnik reports.
