Russia to launch 15 rockets from Baikonur

Russia to launch 15 rockets from Baikonur

Russia plans 23 space launches next year, eight of them from homegrown launch pads, the Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Roscosmos state space corporation supervisory committee Dmitry Rogozin said.

"Fifteen launches are expected from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, six from Plesetsk and two from Vostochny," Sputnik cited Rogozin as saying.

He disclosed the plans at this year's last commission on the construction of Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia's Far East. Infrastructure building to service the Angara space-launch vehicles and advanced boosters on environmentally friendly propellants is expected to begin in Plesetsk next year, Rogozin added. 

Rogozin highlighted the importance of carrying out accident-free launches into space in 2017.