Russian Health Ministry is ready to ban sale of alcohol to people aged under 21

Russian Health Ministry is ready to ban sale of alcohol to people aged under 21

Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova reported today about the consent of the Ministry of Health to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age.

"We strongly support this proposal. In many European countries and in America, childhood does not end at 18, but at 21 years, when a person can carry out their own actions more carefully, make decisions. In our view, it would be better if we protect our young people for an additional three years," the Minister explained.

As TASS writes, Skvortsova agreed to the extension of the boundaries of childhood: if at the beginning of the last century, childhood ended at 9-11 years, than now "people grow and develop at least to 25 years."