Sadovnichy addresses Open Day at Baku branch of MSU

Sadovnichy addresses Open Day at Baku branch of MSU

The Baku branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov held a doors open day on October 3. The purpose of the event was to inform applicants on admission to the branch, the educational process, and the departments.

The rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Viktor Sadovnichy, addressed the event. "The first argument is if you study here, you have a wonderful rector, Nargiz Pashayeva," he said, recalling that this branch was established due to her efforts.

As a second argument, he named the diploma of Moscow State University. The third argument is the professors of Moscow State University.

The fourth argument, according to Sadovnichy, is that students will "study in a nice campus," which was built in 2012 using modern technologies. The professor added that there are "still the fifth and sixth arguments, and so on."
