Shepherd in Lachin blown up by Armenian mine

Shepherd in Lachin blown up by Armenian mine

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/ Vestnik Kavkaza

Shepherd Ali Suleymanov became the 377th victim of Armenian mine terror on the territory of Azerbaijan. Following his cattle, he entered the undemined land of the Lachin District, where he stepped on an anti-personnel mine.

Today, in the Lachin District of Azerbaijan, one of the local residents who returned to the liberated territories was killed by a mine left by the Armenian occupation forces.

The Prosecutor General’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the ANAMA demining agency issued a statement on this matter, noting that the victim was wounded in the left leg.

It is specified that the victim of the mine terror is a native of the Lachin village of Vagazin, 64-year-old Ali Suleymanov. After Azerbaijan regained full control over the Lachin District thanks to its victory over Armenia in the Karabakh War and the beginning of the organized return of the population, Ali Suleymanov returned to his homeland, from where he was expelled by the Armenian occupiers at the age of 32.