Situation on Azerbaijani foreign exchange market under control, CBA reports

Situation on Azerbaijani foreign exchange market under control, CBA reports

Reports of alleged deficiency and the failure of sales of foreign currency on the foreign exchange market of Azerbaijan have not got any foundation, the Central Bank of the Republic said.

To date, the needs of the banking system in cash and cashless currency is not only being met, but even a reserve is being set up to ensure its needs in the future. This ensures that all subsidiaries and branches of banks, including currency exchange offices, are carrying out sales of monetary units of other states.

"At the same time, we note that in order to ensure continuity and to meet the needs of the population and economic entities in foreign currency, branches and offices of the currency exchange banks have an expanded branch network, operating in normal operating mode and will continue to sell currency on Sunday,’’ Trend quotes the statement of the CBA.
