Trump on Pence keeping his distance: 'I miss him'

Trump on Pence keeping his distance: 'I miss him'

U.S. President Donald Trump said that in recent days he's often spoken over the phone with Vice President Mike Pence, who is keeping his distance after one of his staffers tested positive for coronavirus.

"I haven’t seen Mike Pence, and I miss him," Trump told reporters during a meeting with the governors of Colorado and North Dakota on the response to COVID-19.

Trump said the two "speak a lot on the phone," The Hill reported.

"He was in the room with somebody that tested positive, and he did not test positive. He tested the opposite," Trump said. "He's in good shape. But I guess we said for a little while we'll stay apart because you don't know what happens with this very crazy and horrible disease."

Pence has been keeping his distance from Trump and other top officials this week after his press secretary, Katie Miller, tested positive for the coronavirus.