Trump throwing a temper tantrum - report

Trump throwing a temper tantrum - report

U.S. President Donald Trump, who is yet to acknowledge his loss in the presidential elections, considered refusing to leave the White House on inauguration day in January next year, according to reports.  

Trump has reportedly told some of his advisers that he won’t leave the White House when Joe Biden takes the oath of office on 20 January. These claims panicked some of his aides, but they believe he may not follow through on his plan. 

An adviser said Trump is throwing a temper tantrum. "He's going to leave. He's just lashing out," CNN cited him as saying.  There is no precedence of an American head of state refusing to relinquish power in the nation’s history and it has led experts to debate possible responses in case of such an event.  

Some of his advisers have reportedly been trying to convince the president to start thinking about his plans for a potential 2024 run for the presidency again - a possibility that Trump has highlighted several times over the past weeks.