Türkiye works on Gaza Strip settlement mechanizm

Türkiye works on Gaza Strip settlement mechanizm

© Photo: official website of the President of Türkiye

Türkiye is ready to become a guarantor of security in the Gaza Strip. Ankara is currently developing a new security mechanism to resolve the conflict between the parties.

Türkiye is working to create a new security mechanism for a settlement between Israel and Palestine, the President of the Republic said on Saturday, speaking at the summit of the Organization of Turkic States.

According to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the country is ready to become a guarantor in Gaza.

“We have been talking about guarantors from the very beginning of these events. We said that if Türkiye has the responsibility of a guarantor, then we are ready to take on this responsibility, we can be a guarantor country,”

- the head of state said.

He emphasized that the republic must play a leading role in this issue.

”In due time, the format will be worked out. It will have both security and political dimension, and along with all this, it already has a historical and cultural dimension,”

- the President of Türkiye said.
