Turkey captures nine ISIS terrorists in northern Syria

Turkey captures nine ISIS terrorists in northern Syria

Nine ISIS (terrorist group banned in Russia) terrorists, including four ringleaders, were captured in al-Bab, northern Syria, an area near Türkiye’s southern border, the Turkish Interior Ministry said.

Intelligence work by the Syrian Task Force al-Bab Gendarmerie Advisory Command under the follow-up and coordination of the Gaziantep Provincial Gendarmerie Command found that ISIS units in Syria have been giving training to members of the group in the suicide bombing, sabotage, attack, handmade explosives (IED), assassination, and intelligence and that the terrorists are looking to attack al-Bab and Türkiye, said a ministry statement.

During the operation on Saturday, nine terrorists, including the group’s assassination/execution ringleader and also an assistant of the Syria/Damascus/Maddava region, codenamed Abu Mushap, was detained, along with two logistics supervisors and financial affairs supervisors.

A large cache of digital materials was seized during searches at the residences of the terrorists, who were arrested by the local court to which they were referred.
