Two lesser-known symptoms of omicron revealed

Two lesser-known symptoms of omicron revealed

Omicron can cause the original symptoms, including cough, fever and loss or change to taste and smell, but there are also other signs to be aware of, according to Daily Express.

According to the data from the ZOE COVID Study App, only half of the patients with Omicron experienced these classic symptoms.

Two lesser-known signs which can persist after the infection are back pain and dizziness.

One theory is that the myalgia caused by the infection could be behind the long-term back problem. Myalgia on its own has been also identified as an Omicron symptom.

However, dizziness and back pain aren’t the only new symptoms linked to the new strain. Other common signs being reported include: runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing, scratchy throat.
