Uzbekistan wants to increase exports of IT services to $1 billion

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The authorities of Uzbekistan spoke about plans to increase the IT services' export abroad to $1 billion. This was stated by the Minister of Digital Technologies of the republic Oleg Pekos.

The total number of enterprises in the IT park of Uzbekistan has increased to 21.1 thousand. The Minister spoke about this during the opening ceremony of the PLUS International Forum in Tashkent.

"This year, our ambitious goal is to increase the export of IT services and software products to $1 billion. Two years ago, we aimed to reach the goal of $1 billion in 2028. We are ahead of these goals and this is very pleasing",

Oleg Pekos said.

According to the minister, as part of the digital transformation, the authorities also created and put into operation about 100 new software products and information systems.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza