Vigen Sargsyan: understandable and predictable Turkey for Russia in Armenia's interests

Vigen Sargsyan: understandable and predictable Turkey for Russia in Armenia's interests

An understandable and predictable Turkey for Russia meets the interests of Armenia, the Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan said.

“Yerevan and Moscow are linked by strategic relations. And I believe that these are incomparable categories,” Sargsyan said, noting that relations between Russia and Turkey could become warmer or colder.

“A more understandable and predictable Turkey is something that we have always thought about. I'm not sure how quickly this can happen taking into account all the processes taking place in Turkey itself. In this sense, the Armenian-Russian strategic cooperation is also expressed in the presence of the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri. This is a very serious deterrent in the region,” cited the minister as saying.