Visa-free regime with Turkey does not cause enthusiasm in Germany's ruling coalition

Visa-free regime with Turkey does not cause enthusiasm in Germany's ruling coalition

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has been losing support from her coalition partners amid the threats of a failing Turkey agreement, according to Die Welt article published on Saturday.

Members of Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CSU) chief Horst Seehofer have expressed their scepticism over Merkel's ability to pull the deal through, the newspaper reports. 

The chancellor has been under pressure from all sides since it remains uncertain whether Turkey will comply with the requirements set by the European Union (EU), where one of the central conditions was Turkey’s reconsideration of its anti-terrorist regulations.

Since Merkel is seen as one of the main drivers behind the deal, its failure to realise is reflecting badly on Germany’s Chancellor and contributing towards weakening support from her coalition, as stated in the article.
