Vladimir Putin dismisses three ministers

Vladimir Putin dismisses three ministers

Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed Construction Minister Vladimir Yakushev and appointed him as Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Urals Federal District.

Russia's Transport Minister Yevgeny Dietrich and Environment Minister Dmitry Kobylkin were also dismissed, the Kremlin press service reported.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has submitted to the State Duma  the candidacy of Alexander Novak who previously headed the Energy Ministry, for the post of Deputy Prime Minister.

Under the new constitutional law PM has submitted several candidacies for members of the cabinet to the Duma.

"[Particularly], the issue is about the proposal to nominate Alexander V. Novak for Deputy Prime Minister," Mishustin said at a meeting with deputy primes ministers on Monday.

Mishustin on Monday proposed the CEO of Rushydro Nikolai Shulginov be appointed Russia’s new energy minister. He also recommended that Vitaly Saveliev, CEO of Russia’s flagship airline Aeroflot, be appointed transport minister.