We must defeat war party in parliamentary elections, Ivanishvili says

We must defeat war party in parliamentary elections, Ivanishvili says

© Photo: social networks of Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze

Georgian billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili said that the upcoming elections are very important for the country's ruling party. He emphasized that the current leadership of the republic needs a convincing victory.

The ruling party of Georgia needs to win a landslide victory in the autumn parliamentary elections, the founder of the Georgian Dream party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, said, speaking on July 17 at an event dedicated to the start of the party’s election campaign and the opening of a new central office.

“At the parliamentary elections on October 26 in Georgia, we will definitely win over those forces for the past four years have tried to cause unrest in Georgia and drag the country into war. Once again, the Georgian Dream party will defeat the agents, the peace party will win over the party of war,”

- the Honorary Chairman of Georgian Dream declared.
