What does ‘‘Yarovaya’s Package’’ contain?

What does ‘‘Yarovaya’s Package’’ contain?

Today the Russian State Duma adopted a package of anti-terrorism bills that were introduced in the Parliament by deputy Irina Yarovaya and Senator Viktor Ozerov.

It is worth noting that the "Yarovaya's anti-terrorism package" was actively discussed in the Russian society before the in the adoption in the State Duma.

It is known that ahead of the final voting rules about deprivation of Russian citizenship due to terrorist crimes and to work for foreign intelligence services were excluded from the document. 

However, the text of the law still contains provisions that information about telephone subscriber may be kept during three years in storages in the RF, and of the context and video  up to six months.

A correspondent of "Vestnik Kavkaza" asked the President of the National Strategy Institute Mikhail Remizov and the President and anti-terror units Veterans Association "Alpha" Sergei Goncharov how these anti-terrorism measures may help to protect Russian citizens from actions of terrorists.

According to Mikhail Remizov, the anti-terrorism package includes measures which really are justified from the viewpoint of the global threat of terrorism, but at the same time the adopted laws toughen punishment under anti-extremist articles, which is not a full answer to the existing problems.

"For example, terrorism should be suppressed not only within Russian borders, but also beyond them. It is in access of Russian jurisdiction. Then, tightening of the punishment in respect of terrorist items can be called the right step,’’ the expert said, adding that ‘‘tightening of screws in respect of anti-extremist articles seems unjustified. According to him, they related to the imperfection of the legislation and the deliberate vagueness of the language, as is the case with Article 282.’’

Sergey Goncharov drew attention to the fact that the adopted package introduce such a notion as "international terrorism". We will be able say that those who act against Russian citizens on the territory of other countries will be fully brought to justice.

"In addition, we lower the threshold from 16 to 14 years for the criminal prosecution of those young people who are involved in terrorism, some explosions, arsons, to overthrow of the government, etc. And the most important thing is that at the moment we implement the necessary steps in order to those who finance these acts of terrorist and help terrorism will be brought not only the administrative and criminal justice, but also a great financial burden. It always gives the result that we expect," the expert said.