World tourism almost recovered from pandemic

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

According to a statement from the UN Tourism Organization, international tourism has almost recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic judging by the data of the first part of this year.

"International tourism bounced back to 96% of pre-pandemic levels in the seven months through July 2024, driven by strong demand in Europe and the re-opening of markets in Asia and the Pacific",

the UN Tourism said.

According to the organization, from January to July, the number of travelers in the world amounted to about 790 million in total. This figure is 11% more than the same figure for last year. At the same time, it is only 4% less than in the last pre-pandemic year, 2019.

The organization recalled that this was exactly its forecast for the revival of international tourism: UN Tourism was confident that the number of arrivals in the world would return to its previous level in 2024, although a number of risks, both economic and geopolitical, would not disappear from the horizon.

The report also named factors for positive dynamics: the development of air traffic and measures to simplify visa regimes. Tourism is developing most actively in the Middle East. The number of tourists who arrived from January to July of this year exceeded the 2019 figures by more than a quarter.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza