Yerevan mayor not elected

Yerevan mayor not elected

The Yerevan city council’s session, at which a new mayor was to be elected, failed today, since the number of the present members of the council was not enough to do that.  

There are three factions in the council. The Republican Party of Armenia, which ruled the country until recently, has 46 seats here, Yelk bloc has 14 and Yerkir Tsirani three seats. 

The only candidate put up for this position was Zaruhi Postanjyan from Yerkir Tsirani. 

The Yelk party said it will nominate nobody and will not take part in the election. The Republican Party of Armenia did the same. As a result, only five members of the city council’s 65 members were present at the session.  

In compliance with the regulation, Kamo Areyan announced a 30-minute break, but nothing changed after the break, ARKA reported.

This means that in accordance with the law on local self-government in Yerevan the council will be dismissed a new election will be conducted. 

On July 9, Taron Margaryan resigned as Yerevan Mayor under pressure of protesters, who accused him of ineffective management.