Yerevan won't recognize Karabakh because it is disadvantageous

Yerevan won't recognize Karabakh because it is disadvantageous

Despite all the statements made by officials of modern Yerevan, Armenia won't recognize the self-proclaimed "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" as an independent state, the expert of Vestnik Kavkaza, deputy head of the Information Analytical Center of the Moscow State University Andrey Petrov stated in an interview with "Sputnik-Azerbaijan", commenting on the discussion of the bill on recognition of the independence of occupation regime on the territories of Azerbaijan, which will be held in the government tomorrow.

In the midst of April clashes in Karabakh, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan announced that Armenia will surely recognize "Nagorno-Karabakh", if a full-scale war in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone will resume. Shortly afterwards, a new truce on the contact line of troops has been reached on the initiative of Moscow, and the words of Sargsyan were reversed by the message of Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, Shavarsh Kocharyan, noting that this issue is not considered by the Armenian authorities.

A month later, on May 3rd, the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Armenia added the project of recognition of "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic", authored by MPs Zaruhi Postanjyan and Hrant Bagratyan, to the agenda of May 5th meeting. After Azerbaijan harshly reacted to this action, Shavarsh Kocharyan explained that the government won't adopt this bill, but will form an opinion on its text. At the same time, the deputy head of the Armenian Foreign Ministry voiced the same condition, of which Sargsyan spoke: Karabakh will be recognized by Yerevan in case of resumption of active hostilities.

However, as Andrey Petrov expressed his confidence, during April events in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, nothing has changed in the issue of the potential recognition of the secessionist entity in the territory of Azerbaijan as an independent state by Yerevan. "It is still disadvantageous for Armenia. Yerevan's plan is the same.: protract and profane the negotiation process in every possible way, maintaining the status quo on the contact line of troops as much as possible. Recent battles for Karabakh, along with the liberation of some of the Azerbaijani territories, won't change this plan," he thinks.

The expert reminded that such bills are discussed in Armenia annually. "Legislative initiatives on the recognition of the so-called 'Nagorno Karabakh Republic' - is a necessary part of the internal political, or the inter-Armenian course: Yerevan, while occupying the territory of its neighbor and creating the appearance of separate political forces in these lands, should at least create possibilities for the legalization of the fact that it is not recognized as a sovereign state for more than 20 years. Otherwise Armenia will politically agree with the fact that there is no 'Nagorno-Karabakh', only occupying forces on the territories of Azerbaijan. That is why there are annual bills on the legitimacy of separatist structures," he explained.

As a result, Armenia, together with recognized secessionist entity, will be alone against the entire world and in an active state of war against Azerbaijan."Without a doubt, no matter what high-level will this controversial bill reach it won't become a law, and Armenia won't recognize its troops on foreign territory as an independent state," the expert stressed.