Zakharova: proposal to Russia to join Flight MH17 crash investigation is strange

Zakharova: proposal to Russia to join Flight MH17 crash investigation is strange

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the proposal of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, who called on Russia to join the Flight MH17 crash investigation in the Donetsk region.

"We are in the next stage of information aggression. We regard Mark Rutte's call as strange, as we were ready to join the investigation from the very beginning, but we were not allowed. As for the Russian reaction to the report, it is now being studied by experts. The response to the report by the US State Department seeks to confuse and create a corresponding public opinion," the correspondent of Vestnik Kavkaza cited her as saying.

"Russian experts didn't receive any access, the report made by Almaz-Antey was ignored. It is strange that new details and fragments were found at the crash site after a year, including the alleged missile chip. Although previously they reported that all the details have been collected," Zakharova added.
