Zheleznovodsk mineral water to be exported to China

Zheleznovodsk mineral water to be exported to China

© Photo: Vera Romashkina/Vestnik Kavkaza

Representatives of the People's Republic of China became interested in the mineral water produced in Zheleznovodsk.  In particular, Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya mineral water may be exported to China in the nearest time.

The Chinese will soon be able to try mineral water from Zheleznovodsk, the head of the city reports.

"Representatives of China became interested in the possibility of importing our water,”

– Yevgeny Bakulin said.

According to the mayor, the negotiations are already underway. Manufacturers are discussing the possibility of supplying Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya mineral water for the needs of the Chinese government.
