North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria pollute River Terek

Industrial facilities, housing and utilities services of North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria are polluting River Terek, RIA Novosti cites head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage, Vladimir Kirillov, as saying.

The conclusion was made from complaints received by the president’s mobile reception office in Chechnya. Kirillov said that there are no sources of pollution in Chechnya.

The main cause of pollution is organic matter with methane and hydrogen sulphide. They can be seen at the Povlodolskaya Dam of the Tersko-Kumsky hydro-electric complex.

Regional authorities of the Southern Federal District were recommended to improve control of ecological services.

Anatoly Palamarchuk, head of the main directorate for monitoring of execution of federal legislature of the Prosecutor-General’s Office, said that 5 enterprises near River Terek stopped operation. Others are being inspected.

The president’s mobile reception office was formed by President Dmitry Medvedev to fulfill the right of citizens to address state structures. It consists of officials from the presidential administration, Prosecutor-General’s Office. The first visit of the office took place in the Ryazan Region on May 12.
