The Guardian warns about Russia's claims on Kazakhstani territories

The UK publication the Guardian has recently published an article in which the author warns about Russia's plans to take over the territory of Northern Kazakhstan after the resignation of Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The author anticipates that after annexing Crimea in 2014, the same fate for Northern Kazakhstan is more than a fantasy.

Eduard Poletayev, the editor-in-chief of the World of Eurasia Journal, noted that Western journalists were skewing events in a search for an unusual angle for coverage of material. In his opinion, Nazarbayev's uneventful winning of the elections this year with 97% is unusual for the Western press.

Poletayev said that the Guardian was not the only media resource comparing the events in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. He is confident that the materials are an attempt to drive a wedge between Russia and Kazakhstan. The expert doubts that any persona interested in it would be revealed.

Andrey Chebotarev, the director of the 'Alternativa' Center for Actual Studies, opined that the article was a reflection of sentiment and interest of some political circles and special services. He said that the Russian-speaking population in the north of Kazakhstan was loyal to the country. The protests marked in the 1990s cannot be seen today. Speaking of the one interested in driving a wedge in bilateral relations, Chebotarev pointed out the country where the newspaper is located.

Vladimir Lepekhin, the director of the EurAsEC Institute, called the article an element of the information war against Russia. In his words, the Russian president and government are being demonized, Russia's position in the Ukrainian conflict is being falsified. One of the tools to do so is to create problems between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other states.
