Over 100 veterans of war to be pardoned

Over 100 veterans of the Great Patriotic War are in places of
detention and their pardon is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the
Victory, Alexander Reimer, head of the federal detention service, said
in a speech on Thursday at a visiting session of the State Duma’s
security committee, RIA Novosti reports.

“According to the Duma’s prescript, all participants in the Great
Patriotic War, prisoners of concentration camps and inmates of ghettos
are to be released. This amounts to about 100 people,” – Reimer said.

The Duma will consider the draft regulations for the pardon on the 9th
of April. The pardon is planned to cover all participants in the Great
Patriotic War, workers on the home front from 22nd June 1941 to 9th
May 1945 who worked no less than 6 months, former prisoners of
concentration camps, ghettos and other detention places created by the
German Nazis and their allies in the WWII, and the population of the
Leningrad blockade.

The prescript closes the criminal cases of people in analogous
circumstances. People responsible for felonies and particularly grave
crimes, such as crimes against life and sexual abuse of minors, will
not be pardoned.
