Sanctions against Iran

EU extends sanctions against Iran

EU extends sanctions against Iran

The European Union has extended sanctions against Iran for supporting Russia, as well as for Tehran’s alleged destabilization of the Middle East and the Red Sea region, the …

U.S. imposes new sanctions on Iran

U.S. imposes new sanctions on Iran

The United States imposed sanctions on Iran's Hakiman Shargh Research company, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller …

Israel and US to tighten sanctions on Iran

Israel and US to tighten sanctions on Iran

The United States and Israel agreed to increase sanctions pressure on Iran to curtail the Iranian nuclear program. Israel emphasized that Iran is an enemy of the free world.

Europe mulls expanding anti-Iranian sanctions

Europe mulls expanding anti-Iranian sanctions

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the European Union will “reflect” on additional sanctions on Iran. “Going forward we will reflect on additional sanctions against …

Borrell: EU should facilitate talks with Iran

Borrell: EU should facilitate talks with Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell exchanged views on Tehran's relations with the bloc. Borrell said the bloc hoped it could facilitate the nuclear talks so that they …

Biden extends sanctions against Iran for another year

Biden extends sanctions against Iran for another year

U.S. President Joe Biden extended the state of national emergency related to Iran for another year. In a statement, Biden said the national emergency regarding Iran, which was declared in Executive Order 12957, will continue for another …

Asian entities subjected to U.S. anti-Iranian sanctions

Asian entities subjected to U.S. anti-Iranian sanctions

The United States has issued fresh sanctions on 10 entities and four individuals based in Iran, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Indonesia that it accuses of supporting the production of Iranian drones, the Treasury Department said. …

US re-freezes Iran's unfrozen money

US re-freezes Iran's unfrozen money

Washington refused to unfreeze Iran's $6 billion. The US authorities fear that these funds may be used to finance such movements as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Iran intends to restore JCPOA

Iran intends to restore JCPOA

Iran is seriously committed to returning to the JCPOA. Tehran hopes for the lifting of sanctions against Iran.