Wolfgang Ischinger stands for joint deterrence policy against North Korea

Orkhan Sattarov, the head of the European Office of Vestnik Kavkaza
Wolfgang Ischinger stands for joint deterrence policy against North Korea

An increase in tension surrounding the North Korean nuclear program once again demonstrated the need for cooperation between the world powers in overcoming the emerging global crisis situations. It is noteworthy that the United States and the European Union, while maintaining the sanctions regime against Russia over Ukraine's conflict, at the same time are looking for channels of cooperation with Russia for solving other pressing global problems, the number of which, alas, only increases. Whether it's the Iranian nuclear issue, the war in Syria or the North Korean crisis - in all of these issues Moscow's position and influence play a special role that cannot be ignored in the West.

The well-known German diplomat, chairman of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger, shared his vision of the current situation around North Korea in an interview with German public radio, and advocated for a common strategy on this issue between the West, Moscow and Beijing.

"It is noteworthy that despite all the contradictions in the positions of Beijing, Moscow, Washington and others, a few days ago the UN Security Council passed a resolution condemning Pyongyang's nuclear program with 15 votes in favor, which is aimed to persuade North Korea to make concessions. We cannot say that the world does not have a dominant opinion on this issue, and US President Donald Trump should have tried to increase pressure on North Korea on the foundation of this resolution, with the greatest number of partners - in particular, with Russia, China and, I hope, the European Union," Ischinger believes. "And I hope and recommend to do it through quiet diplomatic efforts. It's not necessarily to declare every step through a megaphone or Twitter. This is, in any case, bad diplomacy," the German ambassador said critically about the US president's latest actions and statements in the conflict.

"The solution is on the table, at least from the perspective of professional diplomats I know in Washington, Brussels, Moscow and other capitals. The solution is a double freeze. The North Koreans should be offered to freeze their missile program in response to the freezing of the US-South Korean-Japanese military maneuvers. It would be the first, perhaps small and inadequate, but nevertheless a step towards de-escalating the situation. The most important thing is an attempt to involve diplomacy, and not Donald Trump's actions, who just threatens to take military action. The diplomatic attempt has not been even started by Trump, and it cannot but be criticised, taking into account the whole danger of the situation. What is at stake is the possible use of nuclear weapons on both sides. It's irresponsible," the chairman of the Munich Security Conference noted.

At the same time, the diplomat is not inclined to minimize the importance of the military component in resolving the existing crisis. "Actually, the problem cannot be solved without military pressure. But it already exists, due to the US military presence in the region, the weapons of South Korea, the most advanced missile defense systems, which causes concern in China and other countries. Indeed, the military element is important, it is absolutely necessary, and, undoubtedly, it would be not enough for Europe to repeat the thesis that there is no military solution of a problem like a mantra. Yes, perhaps the North Korean leader is actually considering a military option. Therefore, it is important to counter it, but, please, with the prospect of long-term solution. And the only solution is to pursue a common strategy of deterrence and containment together with China, Russia, Japan and South Korea," Ischinger advocates.

"We will not be able to put the genie of North Korean nuclear weapons back into the bottle. We must learn to live with the fact that North Korea has such an opportunity. Now it's about how to prevent Pyongyang from using this opportunity," the ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger concluded.
