Armenian media review (August 26 - September 2)

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Armenian media review (August 26 - September 2)

A project of constitutional amendments, which has already been directed to parliament, and the discussions around it are in the focus of the Armenian media. Newspapers are commenting on the huge difference in prices for some types of foodstuffs on world markets and on the Armenian market, trying to answer the question of why the prices of these products in Armenia are several times higher than European, and they are actively discussing the situation on the currency market of the country.

Thus, the newspaper 'Chorrord Ishkhanutyun' writes: "What is happening these days in the context of discussions around the constitutional reforms, to put it mildly, would not honor any normal country or normal society. And the reason for that is not in the content of these reforms. The reason is in that widespread hypocrisy, all of this is full of it.

Some parade of falseness began in Armenia, and players on the political field are so inspired that they think only about one thing – how to deceive people more originally...

It's amazing that none of the forces-supporters of constitutional reforms wants or does not dare to say: why is President Serzh Sargsyan so bad that you do not want the reproduction of his power? That is, his rating is so low that talking about his reproduction, even in a different capacity, is considered to be improper. And imagine, these same forces are saying "yes" to his reproduction. This is, in fact, the biggest shame. And so, what's wrong with Serzh Sargsyan? There are worse world leaders than him," the newspaper concludes.

The 'Zhoghovurd' newspaper notes: "After Serzh Sargsyan initiated the process of constitutional reforms, many people said that it is a false agenda, which he introduced with the purpose of directing the political processes into the channel desired by him. The fact that this is indeed the case became clear in February of this year when, using the fact that 'Prosperous Armenia' opposed constitutional reforms, Sargsyan destroyed this political force with one speech, and then the opposition "troika".

And now, despite the fact that the country has a number of important issues that require urgent solutions, the new constitution is in the limelight, the idea of its implementation or failure – depending on which camp you look at it from. And, of course, both camps, in order to implement or fail this false agenda, will spend enormous resources, which could be spent on a thousand and one other much more important goals in a contry with a lot of problems," the author writes.

The 'Haykakan Zhamanak' newspaper writes: "So far, only two political forces stated very clearly that they intend to form a 'No' front to the constitutional reforms. One of these forces is the 'Armenian National Congress', another is the 'Constituent Parliament'. Theoretically, the involvement of 'Heritage' in the formation of this front is also possible, despite the fact that members of the party are giving evasive answers about 'No'. Even if 'Heritage' will also join the 'No' front, it is obvious that the resources of these three forces are not enough to deploy any serious political process in the fall, and they need much greater political consolidation.

But today the chances of forming a consolidated front are decreasing every day, because 'Prosperous Armenia' has already clearly stated that it will not join with the 'No' front, and the reorganized Social Democratic Party 'Hnchakyan', it seems, is not so optimistic about the issue of the front, the 'Armenian National Movement' (ANM) and the 'Free Democrats' seem to be drawn into a substantive discussion of the text of the Constitution, with all the consequences following from it. In short, the political forces seem to be in no hurry to consolidate around the 'No' front. And the natural question arises: is it possible to say that the 'No' front has already failed today?"

The 'Hraparak' newspaper continues the theme: "Once again the parliamentary and parliamentary fringe forces were invited to the presidential residence, to show the variability and controllability of certain forces, the loyalty and support of other forces and especially the self-confidence of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) to the public. The project of a new Constitution, which will soon be submitted for discussion to the National Assembly, will be put to a vote in a referendum in a few months. And if in 2003-2005 we were still able to organize a movement of a riot and boycott, and in 2008-2013 to form a "quartet" and a "troika" of anti-government coalitions, today this prospect seems absolutely impossible. The so-called opposition forces have greater differences among themselves than with the ruling Republican Party, while the government, despite the exacerbated problems in the country, discontent, emigration and decline, is quite strong in sticking to the Constitution," the publication sums up.

We read in 'Aravot' newspaper: "Rallys against constitutional reform to counter the authorities of Serzh Sargsyan seem to be the last chance for Robert Kocharyan if he had decided to return to active politics. There has already been an occasion on this subject that should be noted, Kocharyan really does not have much time, it's a matter of days or weeks. In the near future he may publicly state that he enters into an active political phase, opposing constitutional reforms, or that he will set out his plans in the near future, in case of the activity of other forces.

It is clear that Levon Ter-Petrosyan has no complex associated with personal communication with Robert Kocharian. In the name of the goals he can take such a step. Another question is whether Kocharian can make this step. Knowing his character, we can assume that for Kocharyan, dialogue with Ter-Petrosyan is a serious complex on a personal level, because Kocharyan does not forget and does not forgive assessments which he considers as a personal insult made against him in the past. And the assessments made by Ter-Petrosyan's team were the most brutal during the 10 years of his presidency," the author writes.

'Chorrord Ishkhanutyun' newspaper notes: "Speaking to graduate-medalists, Serzh Sargsyan said that "no good deed can be done through evil", and "even victory achieved through evil has a very short life." And this coming from a man who in 2008 became president with the price of blood of 10 dead people and still holds the presidency? In fact, on March 1st 2008, law enforcement officers, "with good intentions" killed 10 people and arrested hundreds of people and dozens of people were kept in prison for years. If they did it "through evil", then Serzh Sargsyan's victory would have a very short life. But on the other hand, it is understandable why he preaches "good." Remember the words of hero of the famous cartoon - postman Pechkin: "Why was I angry before? Because I did not have a bike." Serzh Sargsyan also did not have the presidential post before, and now, when he has had it already, he can become good, and with boundless kindness 'hammer percents' during the referendum on constitutional reforms."

The print media refer to the negotiating process on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the context of a recent statement by a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman.

We read in 'Zhamanak' newspaper: "The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said yesterday that the differences between Russia and the United States do not affect the process of settling the Karabakh conflict and the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are working together. The fact that the US-Russian confrontation does not affect the Karabakh conflict could of course be welcomed, especially in the conditions in which we can see how this conflict influences the economy of Armenia.

On the other hand, however, we should probably say one thing – that over the years, in fact, it was the US-Russian competition that helped to maintain Karabakh's status quo and not stand before forced concessions or compromises, which can be very painful and dangerous for Armenia's security. The US and Russia, in fact, mutually undermine and block each other's attempts to achieve dominance, for two decades provided a certain degree of stability and a balanced situation," the author concludes.

Trying to guess the real, undeclared purposes of the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Azerbaijan, a columnist of 'Zhoghovurd' newspaper writes: "Today, Russia is worried about the prospect of Iran-Europe large scale energy projects implementation more than ever. And to prevent them, destabilization of the region is necessary – something that Russia can do best through the resumption of hostilities on the Karabakh front. The reigning tense situation on the border, the use of new missiles by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, and against this background, Russia's desire to build a new radar station in Azerbaijan, mainly directed towards Iran, should be viewed in the context of the anxiety of our strategic ally," the newspaper writes.

The 'Haykakan Zhamanak' newspaper reports: "Yesterday, the Central Bank of Armenia intervened in the financial market by a record amount – 50 million dollars. An intervention of this volume indicates that there has been a political decision on maintaining stability of the dram at all costs, and the Central Bank is carrying out this decision."

The 'Chorrord Ishkhanutyun' newspaper continues this theme: "The authorities, of course, understand that the inevitable, according to many, depreciation of the dram will dramatically worsen the social situation of the population, and it tries to soften this process through covert or open dollar interventions."

Tigran Sarkisyan played this trick during the rule of Serzh Sargsyan once before, and the latter, perhaps, has approved its consequences for him personally, and it is possible that he will want to repeat it. After all, there are still no elections looming, the issue of "ensuring the votes" in a referendum can be considered as almost solved, and the world press writes about a new crisis – a perfect time to grab a few hundred million dollars," the newspaper concludes.

"The national debt of Armenia, as of July 31st of this year, amounted to 4.723 billion dollars. In comparison with June 30th, our national debt has grown by more than 42.5 million dollars, and since the beginning of the year – by 281 million dollars," 'Haykakan Zhamanak' writes.

"According to the program of the state budget of Armenia, the national debt would amount to 4.1 billion dollars at the end of the current year. That is, the Armenian authorities have overfulfilled the "plan" of national debt by almost 14%, and those are just the mid-year figures. By the end of the year, the plan will be overfulfilled by 20-25%. The main reason for the increase in the national debt is the increase of external debt, which from the beginning of the year increased by 240 million dollars and for the first time in the history of the country overcame the barrier of 4 billion dollars, amounting to 4.024 billion dollars. However, according to the program of the state budget, before the end of the year our foreign debt should only amount to 3.4 billion dollars," the author writes.

The 'Haykakan Zhamanak' newspaper writes: "The volume of direct foreign investments in the Armenian economy in the first half of this year, compared with the same period last year, declined about 300% - from 180 million dollars to 65 million dollars. Moreover, investments from almost all the countries that had invested in the many areas of our economy before ... It is noteworthy that it was the first half of the year that Armenia joined the new economic zone – the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and it was stated that after joining the Eurasian Economic Union, foreign investment in the Armenian economy will increase. In fact, everything is reversed. And it is even more notable that our main partner in the EAEU, and the one that traditionally makes the largest investment in the Armenian economy – Russia – has reduced its investments more than 12-fold in the first half of this year."

'Haykakan Zhamanak' analyzed the certificate of the Ministry of Agriculture on food prices in international markets, and has calculated that in Armenia 1 kg of cheese of the Cheddar variety costs about 3000 drams, while, for example, in Germany, 1 kg of the same cheese costs 1146 drams, and in the UK – 1385 drams.

The newspaper comments: "There is even no need to compare average wages in Germany, UK and Armenia. It is not the problem, the problem is the difference in prices. Why any products in Armenia cost 2.5 times higher than in Germany and the UK? The only explanation is that just like import of many products, import of "Cheddar" is also monopolized, and market does not make a decision about how much it should cost, oligarch does, who has a monopoly on its import, who is guided only by instincts - the instinct to "eat as much as possible."

According to the legislation of Armenia, in the economic field, instinct to "eat as much as possible" should be limited by the Commission for Protection of Economic Competition, which, however, is still not interested in those products, which are the most monopolized, and the instinct of devouring of those who import these products is the most unlimited "- the author notes.

On September 1st, newspapers appeal to the problems of educational system. So, in connection with the September 1st - the Day of Knowledge - 'Zhamanak' newspaper notes that today, school in Armenia, in practice, became institute, that serves flawed system that formed in the country.

"Teaching staff, school management, in fact, turned into power structures, being an important part of administrative resources for the reproduction of power. And it became the main mission of the school system in Armenia, school, with its qualities and inner content, in fact, does not differ from the system of government. In this festive and bright for many thousands of students and their parents day, of course, maybe it is not necessery to raise these problems, but, on the other hand, in Armenia, this holiday of September 1st is not possible without touching these problems and the formation of requirement and public collective consciousness to solve this problem, "- the newspaper writes.

President of Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abramyan has made a remarkable statement in the United States, - 'Zhamanak' newspaper writes referring to the magazine 'Life of Armenian Americans': "In the presence of about 250 Armenians in the North American Diocese, Abramyan stated that he intends to run for the parliamentary elections of 2017. Of course, he did not specify is he going to do this through any political party or as an independent deputy."

Abrahamyan noted that he thinks about participation in the parliamentary elections of 2017, stressing that he wants to be useful to Armenia, where the rate of migration increases day by day: "Now I hold meetings and discussions in all Armenian communities. Lord gave me everything, now I decided to serve the people ", - 'Zhamanak' quotes the article.

The company 'Enderkaber', which is exploiting Spandaryan basalt field and associated with the name of former Minister of Environmental Protection of Armenia, Chairman of the State Committee of Water Resources Aram Arutyunyan, is on the verge of bankruptcy, - 'Zhoghovurd' writes.

The company was founded one year after the appointment of Aram Arutyunyan for the post of Minister of Environmental Protection - in 2008, and its founder - the brother of Minister Arayik Arutyunyan. The company has financial problems for more then two years. Moreover, several lawsuits was filed against it. Many people of associated its problems with the release of Aram Arutyunyan from the post of Minister. However, immediately after his release, he was appointed as a governor of Kotayk, but it did not help him to lead the company out of crisis. We would like to note that now Arutyunyan is chairman of the State Committee of Water Resources "- the newspaper writes.