New details in the Malaysia Airlines Ukraine crash

By Vestnik Kavkaza
New details in the Malaysia Airlines Ukraine crash

Almost two years passed since the  Boeing-777 of the Malaysian airlines  en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed in the village of Hrabovo near Donetsk. All 298 people were killed on the board of the aircraft on July 17th 2014. The most of the passengers were the Dutch nationals, in addition the citizens of Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia were also in the plane.

Then among other accusations against the militias operating in the east of Ukraine there were charges of the looting. Now it appears that not the militants were looting there. The Australian ABC TV and radio company posted a story on its website  about Demjin (Demyan) Doroschenko, an Australian freelance journalist of Ukrainian descent, who was near the crash site in July 2014, evidently collected hundreds of items from the passengers’ baggage. He claimed he had already handed some items over to authorities in Kiev and was ready to hand over the remaining items to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) or the Dutch-led Joint Investigative Team for a payment to cover transport costs.

As stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, Mr Doroschenko was one of the journalists who, the day after the crash near Donetsk, spread looting allegations against the militias, which were subsequently denied by members of the Australian search team involved in collecting the remains. Now, while recognising that he illegally collected material evidence at the crash site, he is demanding compensation for transport costs.

The Russian Foreign Minister noticed that the information posted on the website the story posted on the ABC website was not initially noticed or picked up by any local online or print media outlet and was ignored by Western reporters.  "All of this shows once again that this publication is definitely out of sync with the picture of the crash, its causes and those guilty in the tragedy that is being promoted in the Western media. It is impossible to talk about a complete and objective picture if new details and facts coming to light are ignored. We have received another confirmation that the ongoing investigation and the entire media narrative related to it are extremely politicised and that only the facts that contribute to this vision are noticed. Unfortunately, experts want nothing that shed light on the real situation. Or maybe experts need this but they are taken care of by those who have already formed their idea of what happened and are trying to impose it on others "