Saakashvili refuses medical assistance

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

Convicted ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili does not allow medical manipulations after his condition improves, the director of the clinic where the oppositionist is being treated, says.

Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili refuses any medical assistance after he gets better, the director of the Vivamedi clinic, where the politician is being treated, Zurab Chkhaidze said.

According to him, Saakashvili's readings are fine.

Speaking about the condition of the patient's muscles, the director explained that they are negatively affected by the fact that the oppositionist spends most of his time in bed. He is provided a number of procedures, including, for example, electrophoresis and massage.

"But as soon as he gets a positive result, he immediately refuses treatment,"

— Zurab Chkhaidze.

 Saakashvili does not want to recover

Representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the management of Vivamedi have already reported several times that Saakashvili, his relatives and associates are to blame for the deterioration of his health: the ex-president maliciously did not follow the recommendations of doctors, for example, did not eat high-calorie food that would help him gain weight.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza