Baku put forward initiative for politically neutral Olympics in Paris

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

A special statement was adopted in Baku on the eve of the meeting of ministers of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement. The document concerns the holding of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024.

The initiative belongs to Baku. The Special Declaration on the Olympics 2024 recalls the resolutions of the UN General Assembly "Promoting peace and building a happier life on the planet through sport and the embodiment of the Olympic ideals", including the latest 76/13 of December 2, 2021, it was supported by 173 UN member states. The member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement supported it almost unanimously too.

The Special Olympics Declaration also states that the International Charter for Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport, adopted at the UNESCO General Conference in 2015, states that everyone has the fundamental right to physical education, physical activity and sports without discrimination.

Sport makes a significant contribution to the development of education, sustainable development, cooperation and solidarity, peace, justice, social integration and health, and can contribute to the development of an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding between peoples and nations, the document says.

According to a statement adopted at the movement's ministerial summit, the Olympic Games, as a platform for unity and solidarity, have always been a powerful messenger of peace and dialogue for humanity.

The document highlights:

  • sport should not be politicized,
  • sports organizations that are part of the Olympic Movement must remain neutral, in accordance with the Olympic Charter,
  • the introduction of restrictive measures against athletes, including people with disabilities, based on their nationality, is unacceptable

The participation of athletes from all 206 National Olympic Committees in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris next year will be a powerful symbol of the unity of humanity. In this regard, the Non-Aligned Movement expresses its support for the efforts and initiatives taken by the International Olympic Committee in this area and looks forward to holding the politically neutral Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024 with great hope.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza