Daytime rain flooded Krasnodar

Daytime rain flooded Krasnodar

© Photo: Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

This afternoon, a powerful rain started in the capital of the Kuban. In a matter of minutes, Krasnodar has been flooded, and the city trams were stopped.

The heavy rain that started this afternoon in Krasnodar was so intense, that streets literally instantly turned into full-flowing rivers. The flood stopped the movement of transport on many streets of the Kuban capital, including trams.

The rain in the city began around 2:50 pm. 10 minutes later it turned into a tropical downpour, and at 3:03 pm, the Krasnodar Tram and Trolleybus Department announced that trams of four city routes were stopped due to the flooding of the tracks in both directions.

Owners of personal vehicles are even in a bigger trouble. According to eyewitnesses reporting the situation in the social networks, on some streets, cars are almost window-deep in water.
